Data refuge applications written in VBA run from Microsoft Office products.

Able to run without administrative permission as long as macros are permitted.

If you have a specific need you can email the cont to get an estimate.

Updates are posted a couple of times a year. There are more tools being cleaned up to offer.

All products are released into the public domain. The VBA in each app is included.

You can:

Inspect for security.

Copy for reuse.

Install and share anywhere you want.


Exports mail as text and saves attachments as separate files.

Complies with automation restrictions in typical corporate environments.

Install by import to VBA through Outlook.


ISO 8601 date filenames

General file renameing

Migrate old file formats to xml, txt, pdf.

You must have MS Office to run. Same limits as MS Office.

Scrubs thousands of files automatically before MS Office crashes.

Errors are seperated for manual scrub.


text search


Sorts files one folder deep.

Jpg, txt, pptx.

Preview app with a sort function.

Moves fast.

Minimizes error.


Uploads and downloads large file sets over a VPN.

Moves slow and steady.

Complies with automation restrictions in typical corporate environments.

Pauses itself if the VPN is interrupted and waits for you to continue.


reports dead code in vba.

Install by import to VBA.